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What is an Otoplasty?

Are you considering an Otoplasty? Here’s everything you need to know about this ear-related plastic surgery.

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty, commonly known as cosmetic ear surgery, is a procedure that aims to change the shape, size or position of your ears. From protruding ears to excessively large or small ears, otoplasty can treat a variety of ear abnormalities. It can also be performed to fix congenital deformities or improve the look of ears that have been injured or surgically damaged. The primary goal of otoplasty is to create a natural-looking ear shape that is proportionate to the rest of the face. The procedure is usually performed on children and teens, even though it can be performed at any age.

What are the different types of otoplasty?

Different types of otoplasty can be used to correct ear-related defects:

Ear augmentation

You can consider this procedure if you have small or incompletely developed ears. It aims to increase the size of your outer ear.

Ear pinning

The ears are brought closer to the head in this type of otoplasty. It is performed on people with large ears that protrude from the sides of their heads.

Ear reduction

If you are ears are larger than normal, you can undergo this procedure to reduce their size.

What is the procedure?

Adults and older children are given a local anesthetic and sedative during the procedure. For younger children, it is carried out under general anesthesia.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions in the skin behind the ears. The ear cartilage is then cut or molded to get the desired shape and size. Finally, the cuts are stitched up with sutures. The treatment usually takes two hours to complete.

What is the recovery like?

You will have a dressing put over your ears after the surgery. It is very important to keep your dressing dry and clean at all times. Here are some other tips you can follow for a smoother recovery:

  • Avoid rubbing or scratching your ears
  • Pick a sleeping posture that prevents your head from resting on your ears
  • Avoid wearing clothes that you have to pull over your head; instead, wear button-up shirts
  • Stay away from strenuous activity for at least two weeks after surgery

Does otoplasty involve any side effects or risks?

Like any other major surgery, otoplasty carries some risks, such as the possibility of bleeding, infection and an anesthetic reaction. Other complications that can arise with otoplasty include:

  • Scarring: Even though scars are permanent, you won't likely notice them because they will be hidden behind your ears or within the creases of your ears.
  • Infection: Every surgical procedure carries a slight risk of infection. The prompt administration of antibiotics during the treatment can help prevent further complications.
  • Asymmetry: Changes brought on by the healing process can result in an asymmetry in the placement of the ears.
  • Decreased skin sensation: The repositioning of your ears during otoplasty can sometimes temporarily impair skin sensation in the region.
  • Bruising: You make experience slight bruising after the surgery.

Where to get an otoplasty?

If you want to alter the shape, size or position of your ears, visit Biolite for an otoplasty. One of our skilled medical staff members will review your medical history in detail and go over your aesthetic goals during your consultation at our office. This data will then be used to formulate a treatment strategy that is tailor-made for you.

To schedule your Otoplasty consultation at Biolite, you can speak to us on +971 4 346 6641, email on, or schedule an appointment here.

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