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Want To Look Younger With Surgery? Here’s How.

Thanks to chronic stress and increasing pollutants, our skin is ageing prematurely. Wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, and sun spots have a significant impact on one’s self...

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Frax Flash: A Biolite Favourite for Laser Skin Resurfacing

The laser skin resurfacing technology is gaining much popularity in the world of cosmetic procedures. Frax Flash is one of the treatment methods that employs this technology.

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Everything You Need To Know About The Aquagold Fine Touch

In the world of dermatology, several microneedling devices have been introduced. One of the most popular being the Aquagold Fine Touch instrument.

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Treatment to try for the holiday season: Bioflight

Have you ever boarded a plane looking fresh but upon arrival look dull and fatigued? Travelling can be harsh—the hours of travel, sleep deprivation, and low cabin pressure makes...

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New Treatment to Try: SilkPeel Dermalinfusion

Beauty treatments over the years have become so specific that every individual need requires a different procedure. Enter the latest in skincare technology: ...

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The Treatment to Try This Halloween: The Vampire Facial

Halloween is upon us, which means it is the perfect time to treat yourself to a luxurious vampire facial. Vampire facials, gained...

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How to Boost Collagen, Both Clinically and Naturally

From adding plumpness to aiding in hydration—collagen plays a huge role in the health of our skin. But as we age, the production of collagen slows down greatly. In addition to...

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